Documentation e-PowerUP! - Mobile App

Customer Onboarding

Learn how to onboard a customer in the e-PowerUP! – mobile app.


The Customer tab shows the customer’s contact and payment information. In addition, a credit card can be added to the customer’s account under this section.


The Plan tab shows the customer’s plan selected during the onboarding process. The customer’s funds are also shown.


The Stations tab presents all the chargers created in the e-PowerUP! to your customer. Also, the customer can start a charging session on an available charger’s connector.


The Sessions tab shows the charging session history of the customer. It also includes the customer’s bills which can be obtained from previous charging sessions, the purchase of a product, or the billing cycle of the customer shifting.


This section allows customers to reach your FAQs, user manuals, and contacts or change the language of the e-PowerUP! – Mobile App.

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