
This section allows customers to reach your FAQs, user manuals, and contacts or change the language of the e-PowerUP! - Mobile App.

Topics in this document:

To access this section, from the e-PowerUP!– Mobile App, click More.


To change the language of the e-PowerUP! – Mobile App, under Language, click Set language, and select a language from the dropdown.

Terms and privacy policy

The terms and privacy policy serves as a link to a hosted web version of your terms and privacy policy that your clients can visit and learn more about.

FAQs & Manuals

The FAQs and manuals serve as a link to a hosted web version of your FAQs and manuals that your clients can visit and learn more about.

Contact us

The contact us serves as a link to a hosted web version of your contact us section where your clients can visit and reach out to your company.


To Log Out of the e-PowerUP!– Mobile App, click Logout.

Delete account

To delete an account from the e-PowerUP!– Mobile App, click Delete account.

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